Friday, January 3, 2014

Butter-free popcorn (whhhhaaaat?!)

Step 1: Buy a air-popper.
Step 2: Buy unpopped corn.
Step 3: Pour about half a cup of said corn into the popper, put olive oil in the heater on top. Do not scrimp on good olive oil. You want extra virgin, trust me, there is a huge flavor difference.
Step 4: Pop corn.
Step 5: Pour warmed olive oil over the popped corn, and sprinkle with sea salt to taste.

Why you ask?
Olive oil is full of nutritional benefits. It is a monounsaturated fatty acid. Remember, fat is not your enemy-the wrong kinds of fat, however, are. Those who indulge in healthy fats tend to have lower blood pressure and lower heart disease. This type of fat has also been linked to protection against depression. It protects your organs from inflammation. It does a whole bunch of things. Eat olive oil.

Popcorn is a low calorie snack. This means you can eat a lot of it--which I do. However, you should also recognize that corn is a huge filler in the US food industry. There is corn in nearly everything processed that you eat. Therefore, try and avoid eating too much processed foods, it is never a good thing to have too much of one type of food.

Sea salt is the same as table salt in regards to sodium intake. Again, if you eat a lot of processed foods, this may not be a great snack for you, because you likely are consuming far more sodium daily than you realize. If not, the general benefit of sea salt over table salt is that there is less processing to produce it, and that it is delicious.

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